Home Featured International Women’s Day; investing in women for brighter future

International Women’s Day; investing in women for brighter future

by Tolulope Akinruli

This year’s International Women’s Day, with the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,” not only prompts celebration but also demands tangible action. Despite strides made towards gender equality, women globally still encounter formidable obstacles:

International women’s day

Persistent Challenges:

1. Economic Disparities: The enduring gender pay gap means women often earn substantially less than men for comparable work. Additionally, access to capital and leadership roles in businesses remains restricted.
2. Violence and Discrimination: Women continue to suffer from various forms of violence, both at home and in public spaces. Gender-based discrimination hampers their opportunities in education, healthcare, and political engagement.
3. Unpaid Care Work: Women disproportionately bear the burden of unpaid care responsibilities, such as childcare and eldercare, constraining their capacity to pursue careers and contribute fully to the economy.
4. Healthcare Access: Many women across regions lack access to quality healthcare, including essential reproductive health services.

Investing in Solutions: international women’s day

Investing in women is not just a moral imperative; it’s also a wise economic decision. Societies that empower women tend to experience enhanced growth and stability. Strategies to expedite progress include:
1. Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Enforcing equal pay legislation and backing policies like affordable childcare.
2. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Facilitating access to financing, training, and mentorship opportunities to foster the growth of women-led businesses.
3. Ending Violence Against Women: Allocating more resources for shelters and support services, alongside educational campaigns to combat gender-based violence.
4. Investing in Girls’ Education: Educated girls are more likely to lead healthier lives, secure employment, and engage in civic activities.
5. Promoting Shared Care Responsibilities: Encouraging policies that promote paternal leave and cultivating a culture valuing shared caregiving.
6. Expanding Healthcare Access: Ensuring universal access to quality healthcare, including reproductive health services, family planning, and abortion rights.

A Collective Endeavor

Advancing women’s empowerment necessitates a comprehensive approach involving governments, businesses, and individuals:

1. Governments can enact policies promoting gender equality, allocate resources for women’s programs, and hold perpetrators of violence accountable.
2. Businesses can foster equal opportunities within their organizations, offer flexible work arrangements, and support women-owned enterprises.
3. Individuals can challenge gender stereotypes, educate themselves and others about women’s issues, and support organizations advocating for women’s empowerment.


International women’s day

By investing in women, we lay the groundwork for a more equitable and prosperous future. Let’s transcend mere celebration this International Women’s Day and commit to tangible actions that foster a fairer and more inclusive world.

Source: guardian.ng 


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