Home Discovery How To Survive In The Hard Times – Nigeria 2023

How To Survive In The Hard Times – Nigeria 2023

by Tolulope Akinruli

According to the Entrepreneurng report, Knowing that the going is tough is insufficient. You need to know how to navigate through difficult times and challenging economic circumstances. The economy is struggling everywhere, including in Nigeria.

People continue to live even in difficult circumstances. Hence, “how” is the pertinent query. That is, how am I going to get by in Nigeria given the difficult economic and social situation? We have come here to investigate that. Join me and let’s take this stroll together.

1. Make sensible, prudent financial choices

Given that you are aware of the current economic and social challenges facing Nigeria, as demonstrated by current economic and social realities, you must make thoughtful judgments, particularly when it comes to financial affairs. How far you travel tomorrow will depend on the choices you make today, no matter how small and seemingly trivial they may seem.

The scale of preference is a tool that allows you to rate your needs in order of importance, from the most pressing to the least. This scale, which indicates what should come first and what should come second in the effort to meet your needs, can be represented mentally or written down.

2. Consider every dollar that is given to you.

It’s important to practice fiscal restraint. Every payment and denomination matters. If money does come to you, treasure it. No amount of money is so worthless that it cannot be used to purchase anything, regardless of how small the good or service is. Spending carelessly should be avoided as soon as feasible.

As there is no such thing as additional money in the bank, space should be made available for spending sprees. By engaging in activities like gambling and betting with sizable sums of money, do not risk putting your money in a bag full of holes. Each kobo matters. Value every dollar that is given to you, then.

3. Less Spending And More Saving

Become more frugal with your expenditures and more inclined to save. All people enjoy spending money, but not all people enjoy saving money. But by saving money, you protect your present and future from imminent tragedy. This is the ideal moment to start reducing your expenditure and conserving money.

Particularly for people who are not accustomed to it, saving is an attitude that must be developed over time. You are given hope for a financially secure future and the illusion of security is removed.

The idea that everything should be wasted until the next paycheck arrives needs to be destroyed. Of course, the income might not come again or might come later than expected. What then do you do when unexpected events occur? You rely on your funds as a backup. What would happen if you had no savings? You’ll go through two rounds of hardship. Because of this, it is wise to adopt the mindset of saving for a secure future.

4. Avoid late-night activities

Given the nature of Nigeria’s geography, particularly at night, it is not advisable to do any kind of business after dark due to the activities of the underworld’s men at that time. Given the terrible repercussions of disobeying this rule, doing so is extremely dangerous. To reduce the likelihood of arriving home very late at night, late-night meetings and transactions should be avoided, and employment and offices should not be located too far from the home.

5. Taking Your Home’s Security Extremely Seriously

Take it upon yourself to watch over your home with vigilance. Be wary of making assumptions. It’s not a given that armed robbers won’t come calling one day just because you haven’t been robbed previously. What if they arrive? You don’t need to worry if you’ve taken security precautions to prevent their visit. This entails having the phone numbers of the police and other security personnel, alarm systems, burglary-proof windows and doors, guards, movement and crime detectors, as well as CTVV cameras.


Everybody who succeeds here has the ability of a hustler and the unwavering dedication to succeeding everywhere. Thus, hone your intellect to overcome the challenges you confront so that you can stand up and face the rest of the world. The survival quest is a game of the mind. When you master your mind, you master everything.

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