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How to Sell on Amazon from Nigeria

by Ikenna Ngere

The Amazon Marketplace is an e-commerce platform where individuals and businesses may list and sell their products. It enables third-party merchants to benefit from Amazon’s infrastructure, customer base, and fulfillment services in order to expand their markets and revenue.

Selling goods on Amazon may be a successful business venture for both individuals and corporations. Amazon offers a platform for vendors to advertise their goods and connect with buyers all over the world thanks to its enormous customer base and global presence.

To sell successfully on Amazon, Nigerian-based vendors must take particular considerations and actions. Entrepreneurng will walk you through the steps of selling on Amazon from Nigeria in this article, offering insightful advice that will help you be successful.

Benefits of Selling on Amazon for Nigerian sellers

Fulfillment services: In order to save you time and effort, Amazon offers fulfillment services like Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), which handles the storage, packaging, and shipping of your products.

Global Reach: Amazon offers a vast global customer base, offering you access to millions of potential buyers all around the world.

Marketing Opportunities: To assist you in promoting your products and boosting sales, Amazon offers a variety of marketing resources and advertising choices.

Trust and Credibility: Amazon is a dependable and trustworthy online market, which can increase the reputation of your products and business.

Steps on Setting Up Your Amazon Seller Account

Step 1: Create an Amazon Seller Account

To register for an Amazon seller account, go to https://sellercentral.amazon.com and click the “Register now” option. Provide the required details, such as your company’s information and bank account information.

Step 2: Choose a Selling Plan

Amazon has two selling plans: Individual and Professional. The Professional plan is best for those wishing to sell in big quantities or as a business, whilst the Individual plan is appropriate for infrequent sellers. Choose the strategy that best meets your selling requirements.

Step 3: Verify Your Identity and Bank Account

To comply with Amazon’s standards, you must authenticate your identity and bank account. To finish the verification procedure, follow to the directions provided by Amazon.

Step 4: Set Up Your Seller Profile

Make a compelling seller profile that highlights your company’s name and products. To earn the trust of potential customers, give accurate and thorough information about your company.

Promoting Your Products on Amazon

Amazon Sponsored Products: Run sponsored product campaigns using Amazon’s ad network. This will increase the visibility of your products and help them rank well in search results.

Product Reviews: Customers should be encouraged to review your products. Positive evaluations can enhance the reputation of your product and draw in additional potential customers.

Social Media and Influencer: Make use of social media platforms and team up with influencers to market your items. Engage your audience, distribute insightful information, and promote your Amazon listings.


Selling on Amazon from Nigeria has a wealth of chances for business owners and entrepreneurs wishing to diversify their customer base and into the global market.

You may create a strong online presence on Amazon, improve your product listings, and market your products successfully to boost sales by using the strategies described in this article.

To maintain compliance and increase your chances of success, keep up with Amazon’s regulations and guidelines. Start your Amazon adventure right away to maximize the benefits of e-commerce for your company.

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