Home News We’re in season called distress of nation — Oyedepo

We’re in season called distress of nation — Oyedepo

by Tolulope Akinruli

The Resident Pastor of the Living Faith Church worldwide, David Oyedepo Jr., delivered a poignant message during the congregation’s third service, themed ‘Covenant Day of Fruitfulness,’ held at the church’s headquarters in Canaan Land, Ogun State. In his address, Pastor Oyedepo underscored the current state of Nigeria, describing it as a period marked by national distress. With fervent conviction, he urged the congregation, comprised of devoted Christian faithfuls, to recognize and respond to the challenges facing the nation with a steadfast commitment to covenant stewardship.

Drawing upon a vivid analogy, Pastor Oyedepo painted a picture of resilience amidst adversity. He likened individuals rooted in covenant practice to a well-prepared traveler facing strong winds. Just as a bag filled with substantial weight stands firm against the force of a gale, so too does a person grounded in Christ’s covenant withstand the trials and tribulations of life. Through this imagery, he emphasized the importance of anchoring oneself in faith and commitment to divine principles, particularly in turbulent times.

Moreover, Pastor Oyedepo extended his exhortation beyond mere spiritual admonition to practical action, urging Christians to extend a helping hand to those in need within their communities. In a gesture of compassion and solidarity, he revealed the establishment of numerous Kingdom Care outlets by the church, strategically positioned across Nigeria to provide assistance to the less fortunate. This initiative, facilitated through the Winners Satellite Fellowship (WSF), exemplifies the church’s unwavering commitment to social welfare and alleviating the plight of the disadvantaged amidst economic hardships.

Addressing any stigma associated with seeking assistance, Pastor Oyedepo reassured the congregation that reaching out for help in times of need is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to humility and faith. By fostering a culture of compassion and support, he emphasized the collective responsibility of Christians to uplift and empower one another, embodying the principles of love and solidarity taught by Jesus Christ.



Pastor David Oyedepo Jr.’s impassioned address resonated deeply with the congregation, serving as both a call to spiritual renewal and a clarion call to compassionate action. Through his words, he challenged Christians to embrace the covenant of Christ, stand firm in the face of adversity, and extend a hand of kindness to those in need, thereby embodying the transformative power of faith in action.

Source: guardian.ng

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