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Restructuring Your Company for the Digital Era

Digitalization Does Not Imply Change

by Tolulope Akinruli

The phrase “digital transformation” may be the most ambiguous in the corporate world. It becomes white noise when too many moving parts are attempted to be captured, Entrepreneurng report.

Then, after attempting to define it, we declare it to be an umbrella term. What exactly does “digital transformation” mean, though? Is it a matter of staying current with hardware and software? Or does it suggest that customers want to communicate with brands in entirely different ways? Perhaps it expresses the idea of changing your business to take advantage of the innovative new opportunities presented by technology.

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One succinct response is insufficient to discuss a fundamental shift in the economic landscape that no organization or sector can ignore if it hopes to prevent the extinction of the dinosaurs.

How Does Digital Transformation Work?

The process of integrating cutting-edge technologies into every element of business, from routine tasks to major decisions, is known as digital transformation (DT or DX). It entails not just switching from analog to digital instruments but also altering business culture and how employees should be managed.

There are many misconceptions around DT, just like there are with any complicated idea. Therefore, before moving on, we must clarify two challenging aspects of the digital transition.

Client Demand Drives Change

We are aware that digital transformation is not a commodity when we talk about it. The processes are what the C-level triggers. They indicate seismic changes in how businesses create and use software, how they tinker with internal processes, and eventually how business owners and employees think. But must it originate from within the company?

Think back to the last time you used cash. Or try this different experiment. When was the last time you used a handwritten note and a stamp to communicate a crucial business message? Numerous things become digital.

We become accustomed to connecting with the outside world through digital means. Organizations must adapt to this shift in mentality because it is ultimately being driven by our end users.

Consider the transition from office documents kept on staff members’ computers to those that are stored in the cloud, like Google Docs. As an alternative to storing individual documents, we could utilize Google Docs.

We could export these documents and send them to colleagues or we could send emails with exported documents attached. Because the cloud enables quicker team exchange and collaborative editing without exporting, we don’t do that.

The idea is that digital transformation goes beyond the straightforward replacement of outdated tools with contemporary digital counterparts. Instead, it suggests a comprehensive shift in how people think about using technology as well as in terms of the technology itself. Digitalization thus need not imply transformation.

Which Four Key Areas Of Digital Transformation Are There?

What goals does the digital transformation have? At AltexSoft, we take into account the comprehensive transformation approach, which combines the change in four key business aspects.

1. Converting core business processes from physical to digital by changing how or what is delivered as value.

2. Rethinking the employee, partner, and customer experience as a reliable experience-feedback mechanism.

3. Implementing cloud-based tools to run the software, create and seamlessly integrate new applications, store and retrieve data, and compute management of information, and

4. Analytics: creating a data-driven organization where decisions are heavily influenced by data-driven insights.

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In conclusion, The development of accessible user interfaces to effectively use new digital tools on all levels, including internal and customer-facing ones, is an additional layer of this shift. Let’s examine these areas more closely and discover how they relate to one another.

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