Home News Plateau governor promises justice for victims of attack

Plateau governor promises justice for victims of attack

by Tolulope Akinruli

Plateau Governor, Caleb Mutfwang, issued a resolute statement on Tuesday, vowing to ensure that those responsible for the recent spate of attacks in the state, particularly the tragic incidents on Christmas Eve in the Bokkos and Barkin-Ladi Local Government Areas, which resulted in the loss of over 115 lives and displaced hundreds, will be brought to justice.

Expressing deep sorrow and dismay, Plateau governor Mutfwang lamented the unfortunate reality that a season meant for the sharing of peace, laughter, and joy in Plateau state has been marred by the actions of nefarious individuals. In a poignant reflection on the somber atmosphere, he underscored the heartbreaking fact that families, instead of celebrating, are plunged into mourning, painting a grim picture of the state collectively grieving during what should be a festive period.

Governor Mutfwang went on to share his personal experience, revealing that he spent Christmas with the Operation Safe Haven Troops in Mangu. In this context, he emphasized the importance of reminding them that the trust placed in them by the people and his administration should not be in vain. Despite the recent attacks, he urged resilience, emphasizing a commitment to leave no stone unturned until the perpetrators are identified and brought to justice. Protecting the land and fostering a united front were key themes in his call to action, plateau governor.

During an interview on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily program on the same day, Governor Mutfwang characterized the attacks as “unprovoked.” He took the opportunity to criticize security agencies for adopting a “reactionary strategy” rather than proactive measures. In a broader critique, he highlighted the prolonged occupation of schools in Barkin-Ladi by terrorists for five years, resulting in the relocation of children, and the abandonment of primary healthcare centers.

Furthermore, Governor Mutfwang pointedly drew attention to a concerning aspect of the ongoing crisis – the lack of arrests and prosecutions. This, he suggested, has contributed to a prevailing sense among citizens that their attackers are being shielded from accountability. In essence, he underscored the need for a comprehensive approach to address the root causes of the crisis and bring about lasting stability.

Conclusion: plateau governor

The Governor urged citizens to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities promptly for an effective security response. The overarching message emphasized unity and the imperative to act in the best interest of the state, despite the challenges posed by the recent attacks and the longstanding issues contributing to the crisis, plateau governor.

Source: guardian.ng



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