Home News Naira Devaluation Forces Nigerian Students at UK University to Discontinue Studies

Naira Devaluation Forces Nigerian Students at UK University to Discontinue Studies

by Harry Choms
Naira Devaluation

The severe devaluation of Nigeria’s currency has left Nigerian students at Teesside University in the United Kingdom struggling to pay their tuition fees. Consequently, many have been forced to discontinue their studies and return home.

Several affected students spoke to the BBC, expressing their frustration with the university’s handling of their financial difficulties. Given the challenges posed by the drastic currency devaluation, they described the institution’s approach as insensitive.

Despite students’ attempts to negotiate payment plans, Teesside University adhered strictly to visa compliance rules. Non-payment of fees, which breaches visa sponsorship conditions, led to students’ accounts being frozen and their visas revoked.

The impacted students reported significant emotional distress and feeling inadequately supported by the university. While Teesside University claimed to offer individualized assistance and flexible payment options, the students found these measures insufficient to address their financial and emotional needs.

This situation highlights how international students are affected by currency fluctuations and the need for more compassionate support systems in educational institutions.

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