Home News Kaduna records 32,297 cases of tuberculosis in 2023

Kaduna records 32,297 cases of tuberculosis in 2023

by Tolulope Akinruli

The Kaduna State Government recently disclosed a significant upsurge in Tuberculosis (TB) case detection within its jurisdiction during the year 2023, with a staggering total of 32,297 reported cases, marking a substantial increase compared to the preceding year’s figure of 21,557. This remarkable escalation, constituting a rise of 49.8%, not only underscores a heightened vigilance and enhanced diagnostic capabilities but also signifies a commendable stride towards mitigating the spread of this infectious disease throughout the region.

Addressing the press during the commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day in Kaduna, the State Commissioner for Health, Umma Kaltume-Ahmed, articulated the pivotal role played by concerted efforts in bolstering TB surveillance and control mechanisms. She underscored the collaborative endeavors between the state government and various developmental partners as instrumental in fostering this positive trajectory. Such concerted support has been instrumental in not only augmenting the detection rates but also in eclipsing the state’s targeted objectives by a striking margin of 159%, a testament to the efficacy of coordinated interventions.

The overarching theme of the 2024 World Tuberculosis Day, “Yes, We Can End TB,” coupled with the slogan “No Gree For TB, Check Am O,” serves as a poignant reminder of the resolute commitment made by global leaders at the UN high-level meeting on TB in New York four years prior. This commitment, aimed at curbing the TB epidemic by 2030, underscores the imperative of bolstering preventive measures, diagnostic capabilities, and treatment accessibility while simultaneously combatting the stigma and discrimination associated with TB afflictions.

Despite commendable strides in combating TB globally, the disease continues to exact a heavy toll, with over 4,100 individuals succumbing to its ravages daily, and nearly 28,000 new cases emerging regularly. The deleterious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further compounded these challenges, precipitating a reversal of the hard-won gains in Tuberculosis control and management. Indeed, the unprecedented surge in TB-related fatalities in 2020, after over a decade of steady decline, underscores the urgent imperative of redoubling efforts to combat this persistent menace.

In this context, the imperative of robust investment in TB control initiatives cannot be overstated. The adverse ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the exigency of bolstering healthcare infrastructure and fortifying preventive measures to avert a protracted public health crisis. Such investments not only hold the promise of saving millions of lives but also serve as a pivotal step towards hastening the demise of the TB epidemic.

Furthermore, in a concerted endeavor to expand access to Tuberculosis services, the state has embarked on an ambitious initiative to enhance coverage, with 78% of healthcare facilities now equipped to provide comprehensive TB care. This strategic expansion underscores a proactive approach towards bolstering diagnostic capabilities and ensuring seamless access to treatment modalities.

Moreover, the commendable treatment success rate of approximately 98.4% further underscores the efficacy of the state’s TB management protocols, affirming the viability of early detection and prompt intervention in mitigating the adverse outcomes associated with TB infections.

However, the Commissioner emphasized that the fight against TB necessitates a collective endeavor, enjoining residents, public and private organizations alike, to rally behind the state government’s initiatives and contribute towards the collective goal of eradicating TB. Central to this endeavor is the imperative of raising awareness and dispelling misconceptions surrounding TB, thereby fostering a conducive environment for early testing and treatment initiation.



The ongoing battle against TB underscores the resilience of human endeavor in the face of formidable health challenges. World TB Day serves as an opportune moment to reaffirm our commitment to combating this insidious malady and redouble our efforts towards realizing a TB-free future for generations to come.

Source: guardian.ng

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