Home Discovery How To Grow My Income in 2023: 5 principles

How To Grow My Income in 2023: 5 principles

by Tolulope Akinruli

Have you ever wondered how you can increase your income as a businessman or woman? There are times when our businesses go up and down, and panic, as regards what to do arises in the process. When you put all your money into just one business as an entrepreneur, you never can tell if future profit will come or might even result in a loss as captioned by Entrepreneur report.

If you want to grow your income as a businessman or woman you cannot limit yourself to just one business. You have to be more creative and talented in doing multiple businesses if truly you want your income to grow.

By choosing multiple businesses, you have to be very careful so that they will not affect one another. Now let’s take a look at how you can increase your income:

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1. Investment

So many business owners care less about having a vivid investment like buying shares or even investing in another business. If for example, a businessman is into selling cars and makes a profit from it.

His profit can be invested into another type of business like selling of car tires and spare parts which will, in turn,n generate more income. Investing your money into shares like MTN is also a good one and very reliable in Nigeria.

If you can roll the dice appropriately having more than one investment can grow your income.

You just need to be wise before choosing how you want to invest your money like trying to know the risk involved before venturing into it.

2. Assets

Buying numerous assets such as real estate properties and land is very advisable and very reliable. For example, if you buy a piece of land for #400, 000 and that land is left for just two years after some development, that land will appreciate and can later be sold for #600, 000 or even more.

You can also buy a house and use it either for a lease or rent. Buying great assets can grow your income just like a dream overnight, so if you take the risk you are assured success.

3. Save more

One of the basic principles of life one should note is ” save before you spend”. The ability to save is very key when growing your income. You have to cut off unnecessary expenses that could sabotage your income.

When you don’t save you cannot invest or may even dream of having an asset. It is very crucial to cultivate the habit of saving to skyrocket your income into millions.

4. Acquire more skill

When you acquire skills as a business person, there is every tendency that your income will increase because you are turning your acquired skill into money.

If we take for example me as a person who is into a school business and also loves writing. Writing as a skill or rather one can call it a hobby will elevate my income because l did not just acquire the skill and let it die inside of me.

So it is of utmost importance that acquiring just a skill is not enough but you must also develop it, to have your desired dream.

There is no crime when you acquire multiple skills but you must be able to maximize that potential of making money from that skill you choose to acquire.

5. Acquire more knowledge

As we see in our world today, the world is constantly changing so one cannot apply the knowledge acquired 10 years ago in today’s reality.

So one needs to constantly acquire more knowledge as the saying goes and l quote ” knowledge is the key to Success”. No knowledge acquired is ever a waste so get on track and always update your knowledge.

In conclusion, it is not always advisable to put all eggs in one basket because when it is cracked they all get broken and you have to start all over again. if truly you want your income to increase in 2023, you need to apply the above principle for you to grow your income otherwise you might just remain in one spot daydreaming.

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