Home News Former Akwa Ibom Governor Advocates for Airline Subsidy Amid Economic Hardship

Former Akwa Ibom Governor Advocates for Airline Subsidy Amid Economic Hardship

by Harry Choms
Economic Hardship

Amidst economic challenges in Nigeria, former Akwa Ibom State Governor Udom Emmanuel has urged the federal government to provide concessions to airline operators to facilitate smoother operations.

Yesterday, in Abuja, Udom highlighted the impact of the unified FX market and subsidy removal, stating that airlines are grappling with tough economic conditions.

“I believe there should be concessions for the aviation industry in Nigeria to enable seamless travel,” Udom stated. “Every country provides subsidies for vital sectors, and aviation shouldn’t be an exception.”

While not advocating for direct airline subsidies, Udom emphasized the importance of supporting the industry to enhance mobility, which is crucial for economic growth.

Reflecting on Ibom Air’s five-year journey, Udom expressed satisfaction with its establishment during his tenure. “Launching Ibom Air from scratch exemplifies creativity and innovation,” he remarked.

Despite facing economic downturns and the COVID-19 pandemic, Udom praised the resilience of Ibom Air, attributing its success to innovative ideas and perseverance.

Regarding the airline’s future, Udom emphasized the significance of nurturing a strong organizational culture to sustain its operations.

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