Home News FG Signs MoU to Attract Forex Inflows Through Talent Export

FG Signs MoU to Attract Forex Inflows Through Talent Export

by Harry Choms
Forex Inflows

To enhance talent exports and generate substantial foreign exchange earnings, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment, Dr. Doris Uzoka-Anite, oversaw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the ministry and UTEL Ltd. The ceremony occurred yesterday and marks a significant step in accelerating talent exports from Nigeria.

Objectives of the MoU

The agreement aims to connect Nigerians with job opportunities in various international markets, including Kuwait, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and Scandinavian nations. This initiative will be implemented through the National Talent Export Programme (NATEP).

Key Highlights

Dr. Femi Adeluyi, the National Coordinator of NATEP, emphasized the dual approach of the programme:

  • Direct Employment and Emigration: Facilitating direct job placements and enabling the emigration of Nigerian talent to foreign countries.
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Utilizing the BPO model to create meaningful employment opportunities for Nigerians who remain in the country.

Adeluyi highlighted NATEP’s potential to curb illegal migration and the associated embarrassments by providing a structured and honorable way to export Nigerian talent.

Partnering with UTEL Ltd

The MoU was signed with UTEL Ltd, a subsidiary of Unique Agency Kuwait. This agency is renowned for supplying expatriate employees to various government agencies and departments in Kuwait.

Adeluyi mentioned that this initiative aligns with the federal government’s strategic goal of forming mutually beneficial partnerships with nations and global institutions to create job opportunities for Nigerians. The MoU is expected to secure 250 foreign job placements for Nigerians, enhancing the country’s reputation and fostering economic growth.

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