Many of us don’t think about how we drink water, yet health studies show that it matters. Drinking water while standing can be harmful to the body since it puts stress on our tissues, organs, and fluid levels.
Here’s why it’s recommended to avoid drinking water when standing:
Digestion difficulties
One of the primary reasons to avoid drinking water when standing is the adverse effect on digestion. When we drink water standing up, it rushes through our digestive tract, striking the stomach with power. This quick intake might cause nerve stress and disturb fluid balance, reducing digesting efficiency. According to Ayurveda, this can lead to indigestion and toxin buildup over time owing to strain on the stomach lining.
An elevated risk of arthritis and joint discomfort
Longer-term consequences on joint health can also result from standing while drinking water.Rapid water intake causes tension that throws off fluid balance and can cause fluid to build up in the joints. As poisons and fluids accumulate in joint areas, this raises the risk of arthritis and joint discomfort. This behaviour can increase your risk of developing arthritis or other joint problems, so it’s especially important if you have a family history of them.
Cardiovascular and respiratory issues
The vital nutrients and oxygen don’t get to the required organs as effectively when you drink water while standing. Standing and drinking too quickly can alter the amount of oxygen required for heart and lung function. Standing causes water to flow through the body too quickly, preventing the liver and digestive tract from properly absorbing it.
Kidney strain and problems with the urine
Because they filter most efficiently when we are relaxed, our kidneys work optimally. When we drink water while standing, the fluid enters the bladder without being sufficiently filtered by the kidneys. Impurities may accumulate in the bladder as a result, eventually placing further strain on the kidneys. Additionally, because unfiltered water is going through the system, it may raise the risk of urinary tract problems.
Drinking water properly involves sitting and unwinding. The body is in a relaxed and balanced state when drinking water, thus it is best to sit with a straight back. A continuous and regulated water flow while sitting promotes better digestion, increased nutritional absorption, and a lower chance of standing-related negative effects. As a result, drinking water while standing can affect your organ function, joint health, and digestion, even if it may seem like a minor issue. Drinking water while seated is a little but effective alteration that can significantly improve your general health.