This is a set of Skills, Creativity, Adaptability, Innovation, Critical thinking, Problem Solving.
Its about the ability to see opportunities. marshal resources and create value, It can be applied in many contexts. In large organisations, hierarchical organisations and small businesses.
Why is “Entrepreneurial thinking” so important?
We are living in tumultuous times Customers are more sophisticated, segmented and demanding, and expect more in terms of customization, newness, quality, price and increasingly have more choice, Technology is changing fast, new products come from new competitors. Apparently separate technologies come together (Convergence).
Products are increasingly difficult to differentiate. Product lifetimes are shorter, there is a need to replace
products sooner Systemic risk is growing as global business becomes increasingly interconnected Social and environmental constraints on corporate action are emerging.
The Challenge.
The fundamental problem is that the tools, training, and conceptual frameworks that work for business-as-usual can’t, and don’t, work when your main challenge is to bury old business models and aggressively create completely new ones.To succeed, today’s strategists need the thought process and discipline that are second nature to successful entrepreneurs. The Entrepreneurial Mindset offers a refreshingly practical blueprint for thinking and acting in environments that are
fast-paced, rapidly changing, and highly uncertain.
The Entrepreneurial mindset.
Entrepreneurial Mindset = Creativity and innovation.
His mindset is Passions, Risk tolerance, Objectives? Personal skills, Self regulatory issues:, Ability to defer gratification, Issues with Procrastination, Optimism, Ability to persevere.