Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, announced that the messaging app has reached a remarkable milestone of 900 million users and is on the brink of profitability, signaling a potential blockbuster initial public offering (IPO).
Durov emphasized Telegram’s emergence as a dominant force in the social media landscape, highlighting its substantial revenue growth achieved through the introduction of advertising and premium subscription services.
“We are hopeful to achieve profitability next year, if not sooner,” stated Durov in his first public interview since 2017. He noted that Telegram has witnessed a surge in monthly active users, reaching 900 million from 500 million at the start of 2021.
Despite receiving lucrative offers valuing the company at over $30 billion, Durov remains committed to maintaining Telegram’s independence. He favors exploring an IPO as a means to democratize access to its value.
Telegram’s journey from a niche platform for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to a vital communication tool for governments and individuals worldwide has been remarkable. However, concerns persist regarding its moderation policies, with critics warning of its potential exploitation by criminal elements and extremists.
Nevertheless, Durov reaffirmed Telegram’s commitment to enhancing moderation processes and deploying AI mechanisms to address potential issues while upholding free speech and open discourse principles.
As Telegram marches towards profitability and considers its IPO, it continues to innovate, introducing revenue-sharing initiatives for channel creators, business accounts, and features facilitating social discovery.
Telegram’s evolution underscores its ambition to remain at the forefront of digital communication while navigating challenges inherent in its growth trajectory.