Kanayo O. Kanayo, a veteran Nollywood actor and producer, openly accused young actress Angel Unigwe and her mother of breaking a filming contract. Kanayo claims Unigwe’s mother withdrew her daughter from a project before the agreed-upon contract period was up.
The filmmaker expressed his dissatisfaction and encouraged other Nollywood producers to shun the young starlet. In retaliation to the alleged contract violation, Kanayo vowed to interrupt any film shoots featuring Unigwe in a video posted on his Instagram account.
Kanayo stated, “A specific woman has been holding producers ransom. And this is bad because it happened to me. Unfortunately, she is the mother of Angel Unigwe. Every producer enters into a contract, either in writing or orally. However, we discovered that everything changes as soon as this woman gets your money. I had complaints from others before it happened to me.
“She removed her daughter at 9 p.m. last night, despite the fact that the day we agreed on had not yet ended. 12 a.m. marks the start of a new day. She arrived and took her daughter around 9 p.m.
“This is a clarion call to all producers. Please, in the interest of professionalism and all that unites us, I will come to any set that uses Angel Unigwe’s services beginning today, June 21st, 2024, and ensure that filming does not take place. You know what it’s like for an artist to walk off a set.
There was no problem. I want to assure you that we had a really wonderful working relationship with Angel. [However,] Her mother has threatened several producers. So, starting now, I shall oversee every filming schedule. “Any set where I discovered Angel Unigwe would be disrupted.”