In a groundbreaking three-part investigative documentary, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) exposes the heinous crimes, abuse, harassment, rape, manipulation, and staged miracles orchestrated by the late Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua, popularly known as TB Joshua. The revelations are based on interviews with at least 30 former members and workers of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), where Joshua presided.
Scheduled to be released on January 8, the documentary delves into two decades of sexual crimes and atrocities allegedly committed by TB Joshua, who passed away on June 5, 2021. The comprehensive investigation unmasks the church’s complicity in covering up allegations of abuse and manipulation.
The first part of the documentary sheds light on the deceptive narrative presented by SCOAN regarding the collapse of a guesthouse in 2014. While the church portrayed the incident as a result of a possible bombing, insiders reveal structural defects and inadequate foundation as the actual cause. The cover-up extended to dismembering bodies, transferring them in SCOAN ambulances, and compensating victims’ families with what is perceived as “hush money.”
The second part of the exposé unveils the dark side of TB Joshua’s personal life, including his alleged sexual exploitation of female disciples. Survivors recount instances of manipulation, rape, and threats, with some forced to undergo abortions in a clinic within the church premises.
The final segment examines the church’s orchestrated miracles, with insiders revealing how individuals were coached to exaggerate their problems for televised healing sessions. The documentary questions the authenticity of SCOAN’s miracles, exposing a pattern of deception.
The revelations also touch on TB Joshua’s treatment of his daughter born out of wedlock. The daughter, Ajoke, details her isolation, indoctrination, and the church’s efforts to suppress her voice after she confronted her father about allegations of sexual abuse.
The BBC’s investigative documentary aims to unravel the truth behind TB Joshua’s legacy, exposing a trail of abuse, manipulation, and exploitation that persisted within SCOAN for years. The impact of this revelation on the church’s reputation and followership remains to be seen.
Stay tuned for the three-part documentary that promises to unravel the hidden truths behind the façade of TB Joshua’s ministry.