Many women want to keep their breasts firm and perky, yet pregnancy, hormonal changes, ageing, and weight fluctuations can all contribute to sagging. While medical solutions such as plastic surgery are available, there are also natural ways to help prevent sagging breasts.
Here are five successful strategies:
Practice good posture
Poor posture, such as slouching or hunching your shoulders, weakens chest muscles and hastens breast sagging due to gravity. Tip: Keep your back straight and your shoulders pushed back. Maintain appropriate posture while sitting by leaning against a wall or using a supportive pillow.
Sleep on your back
Sleeping on your side might create uneven stretching, resulting in one breast sagging more than the other. Tip: Sleep on your back to appropriately distribute weight. Avoid wearing a bra to bed because it can reduce your breasts’ natural capacity to raise themselves over time.
Replace worn-out bras regularly
A loose or overstretched bra provides little support, which contributes to sagging. Tip: Replace bras when the supporting band loosens, and tighten clasps to keep a tight fit. To extend their life, hand wash bras or use a moderate cycle with a mesh laundry bag.
Wear properly fitted sports bras while exercising
Physical activity, particularly high-impact workouts, can put pressure on breast tissue and ligaments owing to excessive bouncing. Tip: To promote unique breast mobility, choose encapsulation sports bras with moulded cups. For larger breasts, choose underwire sports bras with broad straps. Avoid compression bras that flatten the breasts.
Protect your chest from sun exposure
Prolonged exposure to sunlight without protection dries out the skin and diminishes its suppleness, increasing the risk of sagging. Wear sunscreen or cover your chest with clothing when out in the sun. Avoid wearing low-cut tops during high solar hours.