Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama declared on Saturday that the government will shut down the social network TikTok for at least a year, commencing in January 2025. During a meeting in Tirana with Albanian teachers, parents, and psychologists, Rama stated, “TikTok is the thug of the neighbourhood.” “We are going to chase this thug out of our neighbourhood for one year” , Rama exclaimed.
He also stated that the government will launch programs to “serve students’ education and assist parents in tracking their children’s progress.” The controversial social network has been blocked less than a month after a 14-year-old student was killed and another injured in a fight near a Tirana school that began with a social media confrontation.
The killings spurred a national debate among parents, psychologists, and educational institutions concerning the impact of social media on youth. “In China, TikTok encourages how students can take courses, how to maintain nature, and how to preserve traditions, whereas TikTok outside of China simply shows filth and mud. “Why do we need this?” Rama enquired. The network appeals to young people with its never-ending scroll of ultra-brief videos, and it has over one billion active users globally.
TikTok has also been accused of spying in the United States, and the European Union is investigating reports that it was used to affect Romania’s presidential election in favour of a far-right contender. In several nations, personnel from governmental institutions are not permitted to utilise the site.