Bamboo, amidst the economic challenges facing Nigerians, characterized by soaring living costs and escalating prices of essential commodities like food and building materials, there’s a pressing need to explore alternative approaches, such as substituting traditional iron rods with bamboo poles for construction purposes.
For civil engineers, estate agents, and homeowners alike, the primary concern in this period centers on erecting durable structures without incurring exorbitant expenses.
Understanding the Roles of Iron Rods and Bamboo Beams
Iron rods traditionally serve to reinforce structures, providing stability and strength to pillars and other architectural elements. However, this, characterized by its sturdy yet lightweight composition, presents a viable alternative. Often used as scaffolding in tall buildings, it effectively replaces steel rods, offering comparable support and structural integrity.
Reasons for Considering It as an Alternative to Iron
With the escalating prices of iron rods, Nigerians are increasingly turning to bamboo as a cost-effective substitute. While a single iron rod can cost anywhere between N10,000 to N30,000, poles, serving the same purpose, are available at a fraction of the cost, ranging from N1,500 to N2,000.
Assessing it’s Viability
Dr. Efe Ikponmwosa, a senior lecturer at the University of Lagos Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, underscores the potential of local materials as viable substitutes for conventional reinforcements in construction. While this proves effective for beams, Dr. Ikponmwosa advises against its use in critical structures like multi-storey buildings, citing durability concerns.
Utilizing Bamboo for Economic Advantages
Faced with rising material costs, some builders resort to innovative strategies, such as incorporating it alongside construction wires for decking and pillar casting. Mr. Andrew Asaga, a building engineer, notes that bamboo, when combined with iron rods or used independently, fulfills structural requirements while offering substantial cost savings.
Challenges Amidst Economic Strain
As building material prices continue to soar, developers grapple with diminishing profit margins, prompting a shift towards more economical alternatives like this one. The price surge isn’t exclusive to iron rods; bamboo prices have also spiked, exacerbating financial strain across the construction sector.
Mrs. Fatimetu Momoh, a bamboo vendor, laments the price hike, attributing it to logistical challenges and increased levies. The prevailing economic climate casts a shadow over various industries, compelling businesses to navigate unprecedented hurdles.
As Nigerians navigate economic turbulence, the construction sector grapples with rising material costs, prompting a shift towards more cost-effective alternatives like this products. While bamboo offers a viable solution, challenges persist amidst economic strain, necessitating innovative approaches to sustainably address construction needs amidst prevailing financial constraints.
Source: guardian.ngÂ