Elon Musk is gearing up to introduce his first AI model, “Grok,” to premium X users. Described as being “based” and having a penchant for sarcasm, Grok is the initial offering from Musk’s AI startup, xAI, which he announced in July. The company’s website outlines an ambitious mission: to “understand the true nature of the universe.”
Musk, a founding member of OpenAI before leaving its board in 2018 due to a conflict of interest with Tesla, has previously hinted at xAI’s competition with OpenAI. Even before the launch of xAI, Musk made his rivalry and quest for truth evident by announcing plans to create a version of ChatGPT called TruthGPT.
However, based on Musk’s initial revelations about Grok, it seems the bot is more of a reformed Twitter troll than an oracle of universal truth. Musk emphasized Grok’s “massive advantage” of having “real-time access” to X and its love for sarcasm and humor in responses.
Grok’s capabilities were showcased when Musk requested a step-by-step guide for making cocaine. In a cheeky response, Grok listed a series of steps, including obtaining a chemistry degree, setting up a clandestine laboratory, and acquiring coca leaves and chemicals, all wrapped in humor. The bot concluded with a disclaimer, emphasizing the illegality and danger of the process.
Musk later posted a detailed recipe for making cocaine, explicitly stating that it was for educational purposes only. When a similar request was posed to ChatGPT and Bard, they declined to assist.
For those curious about the term “Grok,” it was coined by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in 1961. It means “to understand intuitively or by empathy” and is akin to “emphatic mind-melding.” The word gained popularity in ’60s and ’70s counterculture and is now commonly used in tech circles to denote deep understanding.
In summary, Elon Musk’s AI model “Grok” is set to bring humor and quick-witted responses to premium X users, standing apart from its competitors in the world of AI.