Home Opinion 3 Affordable Protein Foods

3 Affordable Protein Foods

Benefits of Millet

by Tolulope Akinruli

Many Nigerians are searching for inexpensive methods to keep eating meals high in protein because beans are becoming more and more expensive. There are many low-cost protein sources that are simple to include in regular meals. With the price of beans continuing to rise, try these three reliable, reasonably priced protein foods:

1. Eggs

Protein Foods

Because of their high protein content and adaptability, eggs are a common fixture in many Nigerian households. About 6 grammes of protein and several important nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, and B12, can be found in one big egg.

Advantages of Eggs

a. Dense in nutrients: Packed with vital vitamins and minerals.
b. Adaptable: May be cooked in a variety of ways, such as boiling, scrambling, frying, or adding to soups and stews.
c. Reasonably priced: Continues to be an inexpensive way to get high-quality protein.

2. Melon Seeds (Egusi)

Protein Foods

The melon plant’s seeds are used to make egusi, a popular component in Nigerian cooking that is renowned for both its flavour and nutritional value. Egusi, which is frequently used to soups and stews, gives a variety of traditional foods a distinctive flavour and several health advantages. Let’s examine the many benefits of including egusi in your diet.

a. Rich in Protein: Egusi seeds are a good source of plant-based protein.
b. Vitamins and Minerals: Egusi seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals.
c. Digestive Health: Egusi contains dietary fibre, which improves regular bowel movements and aids in weight management.

3. Millet

Protein foods

Millet, which is frequently eclipsed by more popular grains, is a nutritious and adaptable cereal that has a place in the Nigerian diet. This ancient grain, noted for its resilience and adaptability, is not only a mainstay in many Nigerian communities, but it also has various health benefits. It contains a sufficient amount of plant-based protein, which is required for muscle repair and growth.

Benefits of Millet

a. Protein: Rich in plant-based protein, essential for muscle repair and growth.
b. Millet is abundant in dietary fibre, which promotes digestive health.
c. Blood Sugar Levels: Slowly releases glucose into the bloodstream, avoiding rapid blood sugar spikes.

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